Giving back to the place that gave me so much

Life is a book filled with many chapters of transitions, mysteries, laughter, and ultimately, reality.

Within the “Chronicles of Rashad Jennings,” the chapters continue to unfold. As my life is revealing dreams, I want to give a big shout out to all of my fans and supporters. Your prayers and support are very much appreciated. You are at the heart of my journey. The continued love and encouragement from you have made the chapters of my life fulfilling and purposeful.

It is a pleasure to share the journey of no longer dreaming, but living my dream. With your help, I have been able to push myself beyond the limits of mediocrity and achieved my goals and aspirations. The dream is happening now.

In the beginning of every book, there is a page or two dedicated to or acknowledging a supportive family member or a lifetime friend. While I give thanks to family and friends, I would like to dedicate this season of success to where my roots are and will continue to be — Central Virginia. You are like family and I acknowledge your commitment level to me as that of a lifetime friend.

Many of you are wondering what the next chapter in my life and football career will look like. I will not leave you in suspense, but I will encourage you to prepare yourself for ACTION in this upcoming chapter. For the next several months, I plan to share my journey concerning both life and football.

Once again, I just want to thank you for your loyalty, continued support, acts of kindness, motivational words and daily empowerment. Thanks for being the shoulders on which I stand and for giving me the push that has catapulted and launched me in the direction of a promising future and destiny filled with greatness. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and you are greatly appreciated and valued.